Expert opinion from Leticia Soares

Postgraduate Degree in Public and Family Health/Bachelor Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics · 5 years of experience · Brazil

Rum is made from boiled sugarcane juice, the molasses, through a process of fermentation and distillation. Fermentation will result in the transformation of existing sugars in the juice into ethyl alcohol, that way the rum does not contain sugar.

Expert opinion from Madison Deakin

Bachelor's degree, Nutrition and Food science · 3 years of experience · Australia

It really depends on the type of rum. Rum on its own is sugar free. Rum is distilled so there usually isn't any reason for sugar to be added. Some processed or mixed versions of rum do contain sugar.

Expert opinion from Mariana Brkic

Bachelor in Nutrition · 10 years of experience · Argentina

Even though rum is made out of by distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, after the process of fermentation and distilling, its transformed in alcohol. Hence, the final product does not contain sugar.

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